Sunday, May 24, 2009

Memorial Day Tribute

All gave some and some gave all.... remember in your hearts ALL of our soldiers.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Where's Joe??

He is loading up to go fishing with his buddies. They are going to West Mineral, KS for three or four fish filled days. He is so excited.
Hayli ask me what I will do-- I told her I would be just fine. I plan on watching a movie today. The finale of Survivor is on tonight. Then the girls will be here on Monday.
What a week ahead.. Joe and I will both be having fun. Liz and I will miss him.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Emerson Srping Concert

Hayli's Spring Concert was this evening. I stayed home with Miss Kylie, so the other parents could hear the concert. Kylie talks and sings all the time. Lisa was working, so it was up to Joe and Jason to get her there and videotape the concert. Hayli looked beautiful. Look for her in the back row, about in the middle.

Lost Tooth

It's Outta Here! This tooth hung on for weeks and was shown to everyone. The response... "Just pull it" "I'll pull it" "Oh Gross". During the night of her Dad's graduation, the tooth fell out at the Red Roof Inn while she slept. She does not know what happened. It was gone. She was upset, because she needed the evidence of loss for the Tooth Fairy. I reminded her of Jason's dilemma over a lost tooth. He made a map so the fairy could obtain the tooth and leave the loot. (I saved this wonderful momento note and passed it on to Jason last year) .

Oh The Places You'll Go

Jason received his Bachelor of Arts last Saturday. We are so proud of all his hard work and commitment. We are also grateful for the support and love from his girls..Lisa, Hayli, and Kylie so he could continue his education.

Jason -- You are Awesome!

Monday, May 11, 2009

God's Love We Deliver

Congrats to Joan Rivers on her win as the 2009 Celebrity Apprentice. This moring I found a link to the "God's Love We Deliver" charity. What I like about this charity - we can all do this in our own neighborhoods and cities. It may not seem like this act would amount to much, but small actions of love enhance the lives we touch. The human conection.. a touch, a smile, etc. is the main ingredient, and the food a side dish. In Wichita, we have the Lord's Dinner, and The Lord's Pantry. I am honored to help my friend Joan (Aldrich) by making meals she delivers to her sick people in need. Here is the link check it out

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Quilt Makers Journey

We received a book in the mail from Lindsay (my neice). Joe read it to us and you could hear a pin drop. It is a wonderful book that speaks to your heart about giving and the true happiness that comes from within. Thank you Lindsay, Phia, and Orion for the precious gift. The girls had so much fun with the material. Their imaginations are soaring.