Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hand Painted Turkey

Kylie's Thanksgiving Prayer
Thank You, Thank You
My heart sings.
Thank you God
for everything.
And Thank You for our food.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

School Pic

Kylie is enjoying preschool at Asbury. She attended a birthday party for a school friend. The party was at a bowling alley. She bowled a 37.

Monday, November 1, 2010


No apples expected until this Friday, and it just doesn't seem like fall until they arrive. The kid's had a great time "Trick or Treating" and received loads of treats.
They also got PLAY tatoos and Kylie woke up early and applied all 25 to her stomach before school.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Great Day

The Fugi Apples will be ready for pick-up on Monday. So exciting!!
Kylie and I made Hot Cocoa Mix. Grandpa and Kylie built a fire and toasted marshmallows.
Fall is a great time of year.
The Greatest part of our day - Hayli received an award for responsibilty and friendship at school today.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Time for...

Both girls are in school, but next year they will both go all day. The bus will pick them up and drop off at the corner. We are dreaming of exciting projects we can do next summer. Here is a video that has inspired the girls.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

School Days

The girls are enjoying school. Hayli catches the bus, then on MWF we put Kylie in the car and rush her to PreK.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Kylie's Haircut

Kylie's first Haircut at Minisa by Ms. Lisa. She did great! The Music for this video just completes the whole event.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Off to MO.

Hayli & Kylie went to visit the MO Grandparents and family. Once Hayli crosses the state line she is called "Hayli Bugs" and Kylie hopes to come home with the name "Kylie Bugs". She does love her big sis and wants to outrun her in life's twist and turns. While the kiddies are gone Jason, Lisa, and David (Lisa's brother ) are going to paint their rooms. Hayli is getting hers painted because her grades were awesome... and Kylie is just because of Hayli's grades. Hayli's room will be Disney "Princess Purple" Kylie's will be Disney "Happily Ever After" aka Pink. I will really miss them. I am so thankful they get to spend time with us exploring life's wonderment.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Fishin' with Grandpa

Grandpa took Hayli fishing on Wed @ Boeing Lake. Hayli caught about 4 fish and went exploring. She found some fish bones.
Kylie went fishing on Thursday @ Boeing Lake. Kylie thought her first fishing adventure was "COOL". She liked the little picnic bench to sit and fish.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Rain.. Heat... Rain

Kylie has her first Webkinz, a signature pig she named "Peggy" It looks like the fish on her shirt is going to eat Peggy. This shirt is a hand-me-down from Hayli. Joe bought it for Hayli, because she is Papa's fishin Buddy. My Lillies bloomed and Joe took a pic before the rain beat them down last night.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hayli's Award

Congratulations HAYLI! We are so proud of all your accomplishments.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Is it Summer yet?

Every day since the pool arrived at 2112 South Osage, the hourly question has risen to raise the rafters.... Can we put the pool up? and the answer is always it's not warm enough! Well, on Friday. Joe drove down Nims to come home, and Hayli squealed "The fountains are on!" We did not believe her and circled around to check. As we were coming to the opposite end of the park, Kylie starts to squeal loudly, "Look, it's on!" We stopped and let them play in their clothes. We put a tarp down on the seat to get home. Joe and I have decided to put our spur of the moment water park trip bundle in the car. The girls could not wait to tell their parents that Summer is here.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

C'mon Mr. Sun

This week the "Present Truck" aka U.P.S. dropped off a package for Hayli & Kylie. A big rainbow pool with a bumpy slide, balls, rings, and a shower. Kylie is adamant about the shower not being used. They are ready to go.... suits, sunscreen, hats, and now they need warm weather. Here is a pic of this amazing pool.
Joe and I are getting the backyard set for summer. The garden and flowers are doing great. Joe is cooking on his new grill today. Pork ribs, grilled veggies, and bruschetta. Yum Yum! Hayli, Kylie, and Jason are joining us.

Monday, April 19, 2010

We had the girls for a sleepover, and the entertainment was abundant. Dress up was the main event. Kylie tried on her new swimsuit "The Ballerina" and her pink plaid sun hat (aka Cowboy hat". Hayli sang songs and figured out how to peel the paper off so she could apply the moustache she got on a visit to the doctor earlier that day. Hayli is maturing into a nice big sister - she shared the moustach with Kylie. Kylie put hers in the bathtub and ruined it.

Friday, March 12, 2010

C'mon Mr. Sun

The sun comes then goes, just enough warmth to start the heart to Spring. We are starting to plan our garden for a great season of grilling. Our yard is so shady due to the south neighbors trees.
Hayli had her conference at school and is doing great. Jason, Lisa, and David (Lisa's big brother) are painting Hayli's room pink and purple.
Kylie is oh so onery.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Happy Birthday Joe

Joe celebrated his 61st Birthday. We went to his favorite Authenic Mexican place. He had a tongue burrito with all the fixins. The big and little kids came over for some birthday cake. I must say those little girls do love a party and their grandpa. --AND CAKE!

Texas Snow

My sister Terry sent me these pictures of the snow storm. What a beautiful sight and so rare for Texas to get this much snow. In the US there are 49 states with snow right now. Hawaii is the only state snowless.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy Birthday Hayli

Happy 7th Birthday Hayli!
What a memorable day at the YMCA for Hayli's Party. All the kids (big & little) had so much fun. Grandpa brought his new water camera and took lots of pics and a video. The pics did not come out real good, he needs more practice. There were some weird underwater shots.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Grandma's Cuties

Lisa took the girls for pics at Sears today. I compiled them into a video.

Hayli is getting excited for her 7th Birthday Party at the YMCA. Sunday is the big day and everyone will be home for the big game. GO Saints!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Funny eats

I was searching my favorite recipe site "Epicurious" for a potato recipe, and came across these "potato ghosts". The girls will flip over these at Halloween Dinner. They still request the spider meatballs.
Here is the link..

Friday, January 22, 2010


Bittersweet memories fill my heart as I remember my loved ones who have found their way home. It seems so strange - Kelli has been gone one year today. a part of my heart went that day with her, as a part of her is still in a special place in my heart. I ran into a friend after Mass today. She lost her daughter several years ago and shared with me how she celebrates her daughters life - She wears more blue, because it was Sarah's favorite color. Her advice was to go out and find something to celebrate Kelli's life. I would get so tickled talking to Kelli about her shopping adventures and the bargains she would find. I plan on surfing the internet to find the best bargain on a nice set of Pasta dishes. I had talked about finding some with Kelli and I never did- I think it is time. I Love you Kelli!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Aiden Folds

Kylie went to visit Aiden Folds on his 2nd Birthday. She had a fun morning playing with Aiden and Riley.
She brought him a cuddle "Spongebob Squarepants" pillow, and then wanted to take it home when we left.
She took these picture with her Christmas Digital Camera. I think she does pretty good.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The girls (Lisa, Hayli, & Kylie) traveled to MO yesterday to celebrate Christmas with her family. Missing the girls. They will be back on Wednesday.
Christine Breig sent us a picture of her new puppy, Sandy. I cannot believe she finnally got a pet that lives and breathes outside of Webkinz World. Way to go Christine! Sandy is so lucky to have you.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Princess Band Auditions

We need to get Sophia here for a jam session with the "Princess Band". I bet Madelyn may be sending an audition video. Let's get this party started.

Here is Madelyn's Audition: